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David Butler
In the Language of Adam (NEW)

Meet our authors
Our authors challenge conventional wisdom and go beyond the surface to deliver inspiring, faith-affirming, and transformative content.
David R. Hocking
Born in Hyannis, Massachusetts, David R. Hocking received an A.S. degree in...
M. Catherine Thomas
Author and scholar M. Catherine Thomas brings a fresh and profound insight...
Douglas Brinley
Douglas E. Brinley is the author of many books and tapes on...
Dean Sessions
Dean W. Sessions is the author of the Universal Model (UM) and...
Rod L. Meldrum
Rod L. Meldrum is a researcher, author, and national lecturer on the...
Jonathan Neville
As a lawyer, businessman, educator and author, Neville has studied the history...
Bruce H. Porter
Bruce H. Porter earned degrees in Ancient Near Eastern Studies with an...
Carol Tuttle
Carol Tuttle is a teacher, speaker, gifted healer, best-selling author of five...
Stephen J. Spykerman
As a Messianic (Christian) Jew, Spykerman has documented several astounding studies about...
Richard E. Turley Jr.
RichardĀ E. "Rick" Turley Jr. is a historian and genealogist. He previously served...