Yvonne Bent | Scott Vanatter
Discoveries in Chiasmus
Discoveries in Chiasmus
A Pattern in All Things
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Compiled works of Yvonne Bent, Denver Snuffer, Mark Shields, Greg Carlston, Lenet Read, Kathryn Paulsen, Val Brinkerhoff, Scott L. Vanatter, and Jared R. Demke
This second edition has added a bio on each author, an index, and improved the formatting for ease of reading.
This book is a compilation or anthology of the some of the best and most current research on chiasmus in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Each of these authors/presenters includes a powerful and unique perspective comprising the separate chapters of the book.
Chiasmus, once assumed to be only an ancient Hebraic literary pattern, has now been shown to be a pattern in all things. It has been identified in both the sciences and the arts. Chapters in this compilation are based on presentations at a recent conference organized by Yvonne Bent on chiasmus. The authors/presenters show how this pattern can be recognized in art, music, architecture, mathematics, the human body and even the atom.
Chapter summaries
- Denver Snuffer introduces the concept of chiasmus and provides broad context for understanding its impact.
- Greg Carlston summarizes how to discover chiasmus in the writings of the prophets, and diagrams chiasmus across the entire Book of Mormon.
- Scott L. Vanatter and (posthumously) Jared R. Demke outline a repeated, thematic pattern (Davidic Chiasmus and Parallelisms) in Latter-day Saint scriptures and proclamations, in Joseph Smith's expansive King Follett Discourse, in early Gnostic literature, in the Declaration of Independence, in the Gettysburg Address, and in Martin Luther King, Junior's seminal "I Have a Dream" speech.
- Mark A. Shields discusses chiastic patterns in the plan of salvation with special emphasis on the Garden of Even and the Tree of Life, etc.
- Lenet Hadley Read presents an extensive review of the overarching chiasm of Christ as Bridegroom.
- Yvonne Bent summarizes chiasmus and the Covenant in the human body, discussing, e.g., the brain, DNA, and light.
- Kathryn Paulsen (written by Yvonne Bent) discusses how chiasmus relates to atom and elements of the periodic table.
- Val Brinkerhoff discusses and shows images of many chiasmus examples in sacred architecture, with scores of photographs and illustrations.
Individually and collectively, the authors present how understanding chiasmus leads us to Christ. As all things testify of Christ, recognizing and understanding this pattern in this way adds depth and breadth to that testimony. May your journey be a wonderful adventure. May you discover the beauty of newly discovered and newly considered patterns as you ride the high seas of discovery.

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